Married with two children but I agreed to have sex with a stranger.

Our invited guest traveled from Utica, NY for the sole purpose of fucking me.

He arrived at our house as expected, at 8: p.m. on a Friday night.
I sat off to the side while he and my husband discussed my sexual likes
as well as what he, my husband, wants to witness.
Everything that takes place on the bed my husband will videotape.

My husband was sitting in his recliner. Our guest sat in a straight chair
between my husband and the couch. My husband had me move from the couch
to stand in front of him. He reached for the zipper on the side of my skirt, pulling
it open. Then he turned me to face our guest, letting the skirt fall to my ankles.
My panties followed the skirt. He then stood up behind me, guiding me the few steps
stopping next to our guest. His hands circled my body, moving to my pussy, his fingers
exposing my clit. I closed my eyes when my husband offered for our guest to probe my
wetness. "Let's go into the bedroom." my husband announced.

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